Simplify your payments by consolidating your monthly statement. It’s complimentary for you with all of our commercial products. *
Download sample combined statement
Commercial Installment Financing/Red Carpet Lease Customers
How to enroll
Complete the enrollment form and return it using the email address, mailing address or fax number listed on the form. If you have questions please contact Ford Credit at 1-800-727-7000, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT.
Combined billing will begin with your next billing cycle after enrollment is completed.
Download the Ford Commercial Installment Financing/Red Carpet Lease Form
*This program is available for customers with two or more accounts. Personal, family, or household (personal) accounts cannot be combined with commercial accounts.
CommerciaLease Customers
How to enroll
CommerciaLease accounts are automatically enrolled in combined billing assuming all your due dates are the same.
If you are looking to combine your due dates, please download the form below and return it using the email address, mailing address or fax number listed on the form.
Download the Ford CommerciaLease Form
Combined billing will begin with your next billing cycle after enrollment is completed.
If you have questions please contact Ford Credit at 1-800-727-7000, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT.
Account Manager
Once enrolled in combined billing, you have the option to schedule a one-time single payment for the full combined bill amount using Account Manager.
Refer to the Account Manager Commercial Fleet user guide below to learn about more functionality available within Account Manager.