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How do I update my account information (address, phone number, email)?

If signing in from the Ford Credit Mobile App

You can update your phone number and address in the mobile app. To update complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the mobile app
  2. Select “Settings” from the bottom menu
  3. Select the “My profile” Tile

Updating your email address can currently be done in the Paperless statements sections of the mobile app. 

If signing in from Account Manager

To update your account information, such as your address, phone number or email:

  1. Sign in to Account Manager.
  2. Go to “Settings”, then "Profile" and click on the "Edit" button for the information you would like to update.

If you do not have an Account Manager account, please see "How do I create an online account?" on how to set up your account.

NOTE: While updating your e-mail address will change the e-mail address that notifications are sent to, it will not automatically update your username e-mail address. To separately update your username e-mail address, follow the steps found in "My e-mail address, phone number, or authenticator app has changed. How do I receive an authentication code?"

Additional Info

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?