What is the Managed EV Charging Pilot for Ford electric vehicle owners?

Ford is partnering with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) to provide Ford electric vehicle (EV) drivers with incentives for charging their EVs at home.

SMUD Managed EV Charging Pilot Overview

Select from the dropdowns below to learn more about the Managed EV Charging Pilot.

What information does Ford share with SMUD?

Ford and SMUD share the following owner information:

Personal Information

  • Name
  • Email
  • Mobile phone number
  • Home address
  • Utility account number (if provided)
  • Utility account holder name (if provided)

Vehicle Information 

  • Vehicle make/model
  • Battery size
  • In-vehicle charger capacity

Charging Data per Charge Session

  • Plug-in/plug-out date and time
  • Charge start/end date and time
  • Energy consumed per charge session
  • Starting/ending state-of-charge
  • Date/time of any charge schedule overrides
  • Charging rate
  • Vehicle connectivity status
  • Lattitude and longitude of the charge location within 2 decimal places of precision

Which EVs qualify for the Managed EV Charging Pilot?

The Mustang Mach-E®, F-150 Lightning®, and E-Transitare eligible for Managed EV Charging.

We are continually expanding our program, so check back later if your vehicle is not currently eligible.

What incentives are SMUD offering to Ford EV owners?

SMUD provides:

  • $150 for enrolling in Managed EV Charging.
  • $20 each quarter you stay enrolled.

If you have further questions about the incentive, refer to the SMUD website.

If you have questions specific to the SMUD Managed EV Charging program or your incentives, contact SMUD at evcharge@smud.org.

Additional Information

What is Ford Energy Rewards?